Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Utah Jazz Game Thread 4/8

Big game tonight, I don't think I need to tell anyone that. Cowlishaw writes an article that doesn't tell us anything new here, but the Utah press point out Utah's recent struggles in Dallas.

I think the key moving forward is Josh. He/Mavs gotta manage his ankle and his post-game parties.

As Shiff pointed out, if the Mavs go 5-0, they should move into the 6 seed, and a 4-1 record should be good enough to move up to 7. I'd really like to see this team get to 50 wins, again, that would be a great accomplishment for Carlisle considering this roster and the strength of the West.

In other news, I signed up for twitter last week for the sole reason to track Shaq and Cuban. I haven't tweeted or twatted (or queefed, as the boys on the Ticket have been referring to it) any, but it has been fun to follow Shaq and Cuban. Cuban twats rather frequently, even in-game, but I think that's the point of twitter. Shaq and Cuban had a little banter before and after the rout on Sunday that supposedly led to a post-game meeting, but hopefully it wasn't to discuss Shaq's future in Dallas. We're not one piece away.

I'll be at Pluckers watching the Rangers & Mavs, and will post when I can.


  1. Nice job on the links. Got me caught up for tonight. Looking forward to it.


  2. IMO the playoffs start tonight. This might not be an elimination game, but from tonight forward all games need to be treated like playoff games. Should be a good one tonight...I can't wait

  3. Also, another thought...anyone else noticed that the Jazz seem to get away with being more physical with Dirk when they play in Utah. My guess on this is that the refs are scared to make calls when the Jazz are at home b/c they are intimidated by the home crowd.

    I can't stand Jazz fans...they are #2 behind only Spurs fans in the "Most Annoying/Complaining/Bitter" fanbases. Gotta be the a one horse town thing (Spurs only game in SA, Jazz in SLC)

  4. ***Counter Jinx Alert****

    Boys part of me is fearful of being drawn offsides for the umpteenth time this season with the my 3-day fervor for tip off.

    That being said, the diff b/t bandwagon and 1st class is believing this team has another gear. They've shown flashes if it and now have 7 days to hit that gear running into the playoffs.

    BTW rock'n old school Jho shirt tonight to help send positive vibes.

  5. Lets get this prty started. Looks like Mavs are rock'n the good luck "green" warm up tshirts.

  6. Bad first shot by Howard, but he took it to the hole next time down

  7. Josh can't get a break. I think he might have broken his nose.

  8. Ok, maybe I am off base here, but shouldn't the play have been stopped by the refs if Howard was bleeding...I don't think it was right for the announcers to take the Mavs to task for not fouling when the refs should have stopped it to begin with

  9. nice D...shot clock violation

  10. Is Deron Williams balding, or is it just his hair style?

  11. A) Balding
    B) Agree great D..good d the entire quarter. Its crazy what focusing on D end can do.
    C) I'm confused too b/c he was bleeding. I wonder if it was b/c he was down and they couldn't see he was bleeding.

  12. I thought they put the "Magic" rule in place that if a player is bleeding the game immediately stops. I guess you are right, they just must not have seen it

  13. This second group pkays so well at home. If we can get half of this production on the road, we may have a shot this weekend v NO.

  14. I'm buying a singelto tshirt this weekend. Awesome effort.

  15. 96-90 Suns w/1:17 to go in 4th.

  16. Whats up w/these bs foul calls. Damn refs.

  17. Jets playing his ass off. I wonder if they've been resting Kidd more to make sure he's fresh in the 4th against these quick pgs

  18. Good ol Nash! You can count on him not to choke on the line like unlike f'n Wade did yesterday.

  19. I love the Nelson drop at the AAC.

  20. I missed when Howard got hit. What was it?

  21. Good job Pho. At least it didn't happen 2 days in a row.

  22. got smacked right below the eye in the pain, bent down on all fours dripping blood but the game didn't stop until the Mavs called a TO after a Jazz 5 on 4

  23. Damn it....don't fall in love w/jumpers you have 3 on 2...go to the rack.

  24. Josh looks like he got jumped...damn! How was that not a foul.

    BTW Suns did their part...its now up to us to close this thing out.

  25. I love this JHo...this is the guy we believed he is and can be. Please don't change a thing Josh. Maybe all that time away from the court and watching his team did him good. Everyone knows he loves his teammates...maybe he's figured it out...maybe.

  26. How is that not a foul for Josh. F it...we'll take the 3!

  27. I love our end of the season energy. Haven't seen the team play this energetic going into the playoffs since the year we went to the finals. Just saw the hit. Didn't really see the hit though.

  28. I think when Jett retires the Mavs should replace Mavs man w/aJett look a like

  29. I like this J-Ho too...good first half.

  30. Shif/Jan...1st half thoughts?

    I like the energy as well. We need to make sure and stay focused on the D side of the ball and not fall in love w/the 3. Take em when they come in the flow of the offense like the 1st quarter.

  31. Sorry...didn't see your thoughts above. Agreed.

  32. I forgot how good J-Ho can be when he is doing all the little things. For the past year it has seemed all he has done is play half ass d and shoot jumpers. He's now getting steals and rebounds and making plays on both ends. They say some guys need to play with pain because it makes them focus more on the little things. Maybe that holds true for Josh

  33. F it..if we can trade damp and stack for it. That's ridiculous Damp..ridiculous.

  34. Come on Damp...that's 2 in row

  35. Bad shot selection last 4 shots..glad Damp is big and had to be fouled.

  36. I like the fact that they are not giving up easy baskets in transition

  37. Agreed. Like they aren't settling for 3s in the zone.

  38. Damp kills me and then makes a great play. He is draining. But damn it he will block out, get rebounds, and sets some damn killer picks.

  39. While Shaq is infinitely more talented than Damp, I'm not sure Shaq is willing to give the effort Damp does on the little things. I could be wrong.


  40. In all honesty, we have gotten luck w/the blown layups by Jazz. NO won't miss those.

  41. If you asked me who is a better player, its Shaq...hands down, but I am not sure he is a better fit than Damp for this team. I could be convinced of it as they definitely need more help in the post, but I am not convinced that 2009-2010 Shaq is willing to do the intangibles that it takes to win

  42. One more Shaq vs Damp...Superman's kryptonite are freethrows.

  43. Dirk w/ the lucky roll...I'll take it

  44. Look at GW giving the crowd high fives!

  45. That's the first time I've laughed at Mark Jackson's "mama there goes that man". I'm such a homer.

  46. Shif..great point. It makes an interesting argument.

    We'll need a post examining that in the offseason. This team doesn't have too many pieces in the starting line up that does the intangibles outside of Josh when he is "Josh", which has been few and far between this season

  47. Imagine Shaq surrounded by the jump shooters we have, Howard, Terry and Barea going to the basket. Basically run a half court offense. I sya if it's Damp and Stack you definitely do it. Now if it's Damp and Terry/Howard you have to think about it.

  48. I don't do it if we have to give up Jett...can't gut the emotion of a team w/little emotion.

  49. I think Damp is listening to us...if he was like this 50% of the season we would be a monster team...meaning the 5 seed

  50. Dallas by Hubie- There abusing them in the paint.

    Who would have thought that would be said about Dallas?

  51. I love watching this team when they play like this...its been a long time.

    Please Mavs don't stop doing what your doing...please.

  52. Dudes if we can get a legit 2 guard in the offseason, I would'nt mind rolling this same team back next year.

    The bench knows its roll and if we can have AWright come off the bench as a def stopper, it might not be that bad.

  53. Jan - good point about the energy.

    I'm not crazy about Shaq. From a PR standpoint, it would be amazing. Shaq loves Cuban and Dallas. The fans here would go NUTS for him. Shaq's little buddy Corby would have unfettered access, I'm sure we'd get great audio out of it.

    But I don't see what he does for us. If anything, he sets us back.


  54. When did everyone in the NBA always yell "And 1" when they get fouled...hell we've got Milsap yelling it.

  55. Metta - do you think a 2 guard does much for us? What about Terry? I think we need a swing man where we can play Dirk at the 5 late in games and create match-up havoc. Basically James Singleton on steroids.

  56. Don't we have that guy in Bass- he's just not good enough yet.

  57. I say 2 guard b/c it opens up the offesne so much more. Jett can hold down the 2nd team for 3 more years.

    Think if we had Rip Hamilton at the two what that does for Dirk and Kidd and Josh. I'd trade Bass and Stack for Rip if we could make it happen.

    BTW Detroit loves Bass. I'd hate loosing him but if Singelton can keep growin, it might be worth the gamble.

  58. Isn't James Singleton on steroids just Mav's Man?

  59. Yeah, I would love to see Kobe trying to chase Rip all over the court, good way to wear his ass out. Det does love Bass, I think that's a plausible move. Problem is, Rip is 30+. Are there any other young pure shooting 2 guards out there?

  60. Don't fall in love w/the 3...get the 3 in the flow of the first mavs and kick out if there's no lay up.

  61. I don't think we can get a young 2 that has promise..if we could then hell yeah.

    I think the age w/Rip is the reason we could make it happen.

  62. I don't want to get too excited, but doesn't it seem like Carlisle has settled on his rotation and that all of the players know their roles and because of this they are playing with more confidence?

  63. Rudy Gay would be the guy I would target...Mavs would be buying low, but he would be money

  64. Shiff, agreed. The rotation has killed me the last 20 games.

    But it does seem he knows when to bring in the energy guys (Bass, Singelton, JJB) at the right time.

  65. Dude if they could get Rudy for Bass/Stack, I'd be in w/no question. I just don't see it happening.

    I hope I'm wrong.

  66. and who wouldn't want a jersey with Gay on it?

  67. Jazz have missed a shit load of easy ones.

  68. I agree, but I don't se them letting Gay go. Too valuable for their team.

    Carrol for 3????

  69. Matt Carroll hit a is officially over.

  70. Ha ha... we all said the same thing.

  71. What if you did Bass (or Singleton) plus Stack's contract plus the player they pick in the next draft??? Just a thought..

    I think you gotta throw J-Ho in to make it work, but I would still strongly consider it even though I love the new (old) J-Ho

  72. K. Off to watch Lost. Late. see you Friday.

    Green for 3!! Wheels coming off.

  73. Wearing a "Gay" jersey - Gay, not gay?

  74. Has anyone been able to update the podcasts in a while??

  75. I don't think you can trade Josh right now...he's way undervalued right now.

    You can't get your value.

    BTW...I hope we lock up GG, I think he believes in doing the little things to make him better vs thinking he's the 2nd coming.

    I like his future.

  76. Yea, I finally got the podcasts up and working again, you need to go to the Ticket website to get the new subscribe to podcast link for itunes and enter it in

  77. I think if your Gay and you wear a Gay jersey...that's Gay. He's too good for the joke to apply.

    Now wearing a Decody Fagg jersey...that's gay.

  78. BTW...i like the future of our bench w/Hollins, Singelton, and hopefully GG.

  79. Some guy wrote in an asked if it was gay if his buddy had everyone over to watch the game, and then baked cookies - is that gay? Or does it get it a sports/deliciousness exemption.

    Donnie-Doo made a hilarious comment about showing up to your buddies house and he's wearing an apron and oven mitt and says "Be Careful, they're hot."

    Dan said that it was gay, but he encouraged cookies.

  80. I am just excited for right now...let's see what these boys have in them. It appears that they have gotten the right mix set and are getting hot at the right time. It will be interesting to see how they respond against NO, a team that has owned them. I am still hoping for a split but if they can get a nice win at home on Friday it will do wonders for their confidence going into the playoffs

  81. Can JJB get a double double...damn it Hollins

  82. I had Mark over for a steak dinner, is that gay, or does it get the delicious exemption or the man food exemption??

  83. The one problem w/NO is that the Mavs can play off Deron and see if he can kill them w/the jumper. Sometimes he does, some times he doesn't.

    CP3 always kills us w/the jumper which is why we can't stop him. He's too quick and once he starts hitting it just compunds the problem.

    I say have DG punch him in the face every game and take the 3 game suspension.

  84. Playoffs baby...let's see where they boys can take us. Sometimes the best years are the unexpected ones

  85. Virtual hand shake..great effort. Good win.

    Friday is a big one boys.

  86. Gay.

    Virtual handshake. See you boys Fri night.
